No one is sure about the history of how blonde became the most attractive and most sought-after trait in a woman. The entertainment world idolizes blonde women. Marilyn Monroe would tell you that. Blonde women constitute less than three percent of women in the world. When something is rare, it automatically increases in value. Blonde stands out in front of all London escorts wherever it is. Many singers and entertainers have written about the fantasies they've had with blondes. It is no wonder that clientele looking for blonde escorts is wide.
Apart from their hair color, blondes are extraverted. This is a very valuable asset in the escort world. It means that they can keep up with whatever conversation you want to have. They'll also break the cliché rule about 'not engaging with strangers'. They make a great package for parties, balls, and fun activities in nature, including stealing a moment outdoors just because.
Whether science supports it or not, you cannot separate suggestive mannerisms and blondes. Some men prefer to be chased with talk. Our blondes are particularly good at filling up your ear with sweet nothings. You will never have enough of them even if you tried.
Blonde hair and blue eyes go together most often than not. Picture a blonde in a pool with their eyes catching the color of the water. It is a sight to behold and you can have it for as long as you like.
At Hot C you'll get your blonde how you like them when you like it without hesitation.